The Trust
Thorpe Woodlands is operated by the Thorpe Woodlands Adventure Centre Trust. The Trust has been set up as a non profit making company limited by guarantee with charitable status. The Trust provides ongoing support and guidance to the Thorpe Woodlands staff and helps to raise funds to support the work of the centre.
Charity Number: 1156272
Company Number: 08333361
VAT Reg Number: 387 0279 67
The Thorpe Woodlands Adventure Centre Trusts’ main objective is:
"To advance the education of young people and other members of the community by empowering them to learn and develop through participating in educational, recreational or leisure activities".
The Trustees each have their own areas of expertise and interest and therefore take on different roles within the trust. Please see below for a list of Trustees and their areas of responsibility.
Ralda Rogers - Safeguarding
Alison Ballantyne (Chair) - Customer Relations
Ian Bartholomew - Finance
Andrew Clarke - Premises
Sarahn Smith - Operations
Amanda Richmond - Personnel
Allan Myatt - Health & Safety